ooglo is young software Development company

Softwares, Websites, Apps, Graphic-Designing, Digital Marketing, Hosting and Domain all under one Roof and in the best prices. Let’s start your dream project with eooglo.

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Who we are

What makes us who we are today. At eooglo, we develop innovative and creative products and services that provide total communication and information solutions. Among a plethora of services, web design and development, tailor made applications, ERPs, CRMs, e-commerce solutions, business-to-business applications, business-to-client applications, managed hosting and internet portal management are few that we offer. Satisfied clients around the globe bear testimony to the quality of our work.

Eooglo’s business philosophy is to assure the highest quality product, total client satisfaction, timely delivery of solutions and the best quality/price ratio found in the industry.

Eooglo’s Major Services

Eooglo's Work Plan

Product analysis and Goal setting
Without the perfect plan, calculating the strengths and weaknesses of the project, development of software is meaningless. Planning kicks off a project flawlessly and affects its progress positively.
This step is about planning the software at various stages and making wireframe on additional recuirement. Wireframing is the very important to proceed further to the next step.
Once the wireframe is complete, the step of designing takes over, which is basically building the architecture of the project. This step helps remove possible flaws by setting a standard and attempting to stick to it.
Collecting and making contents is very useful to understand the userflow and navigation.
The actual task of developing the software starts here with data recording going on in the background. Once the software is developed, the stage of implementation comes in where the product goes through a pilot study to see if it’s functioning properly.
The testing stage assesses the software for errors and documents bugs if there are any. Once this completed this process we are ready to launch our product.
Finding the answer's for every principles...
What are the organisation’s mission, goals and principles?
What action areas or functional areas of the organisation will you need in place to deliver on these tactics?
What processes (and what process steps) actually implement those tactics?
What systems, tools, forms and templates will you use to make your processes effective and efficient?
What meaningful measures need to be used to track the success of the strategy and its implementation?
Once the software passes through all the stages without any issues, it is to undergo a maintenance process wherein it will be maintained and upgraded from time to time to adapt to changes.

Technology Driven Services, We Provide












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